Fairy's Favorite

It is a tourist favorite because of its three star lakes namely Lulusar, Dudipatsar and Saiful Muluk as well as Karakoram Highway running through it. Experience the depth of the lakes by river rafting and boating in the crystal clear cold water. Don 't miss out on Ashoka Rocks three granite boulders with epigraphic evidence of the Mauryan dynasty. Other notable vistas in Mansehra District include the Sikh Fort a fort built by Sikh governor general Man Singh (also whose name the District is named after) and rebuilt during the British regime.

Must Experience When in Mansehra District

Saiful Muluk Lake
Aansu Lake
Naran Kaghan Valley
Makra Peak
Lulusar Dudipatsar Lake
Pyala Lake

Trips you can experience

More About Mansehra District

The fort isn 't the only monument the Sikh rule left behind. Mansehra Municipal Library up Kashmir Road is a three story romance of colour, architecture and history. It was previously built as a Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) and was called Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Saba in 1937 until it was turned into a library. It is also the doorway to upper valleys such as Kaghan, Naran, Gilgit and Azad Kashmir. For those who can 't make it all the way to Kashmir can check out the Kashmir Bazaar which is a close reflection of the culture, craft and skills of the people in Kashmir.

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